Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Caramel Walnut Brownies

My niece pointed out on my birthday this weekend that I am now in my "late twenties". Isn't she so nice? But honestly it's not too bad. Late twenties so far has gone on like a great pair of new jeans, and I'm very much okay with that.

So with all the birthday plans this weekend I didn't have time to bake a cake, but I couldn't let my birthday pass without making some chocolatey treat in my honor! I've seen so many recipes for raw vegan brownies floating around my Instagram and they all look soooo delicious, so I decided to give it a try.

These are seriously amazing. I was a little skeptical of how the consistency would be, but they came out so fudgey and gooey I didn't mind one bit that they aren't cakey. Who says you have to have cake on your birthday? Where's the brownie love?!

Raw Caramel Walnut Brownies


1 cup raw pecans
2 cups Medjool dates
4 Tablespoons raw cacao powder
2 Tablespoons maple syrup
Dash of Himalayan Pink salt
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

Pulse pecans in your processor until it forms a small pieces that will combine with the dates well. Make sure to take the seeds out of your dates. Ella notes that using Medjool dates is important because they are softer and stickier than other kinds, and this will help hold everything together. Add all the other ingredients to the pecans and blend until it sticks together and forms a ball.

Press the brownies into a small square baking dish lined with parchment or wax paper (I didn't do this and really wish I had when it came time to cut them because they are very gooey!). It helps if your hands are a little wet so they don't stick. (At this point I was really tempted to just eat it all, it's THAT good!) Sprinkle walnuts on top and press them in lightly, since you can't really stir them in. Place in freezer while you make the frosting.

Caramel Frosting

10 pitted Medjool dates
1/2 cup almond milk (you can also use water)
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tablespoon coconut oil, melted
1 tsp maca powder
Pinch of Himalayan Salt
Chopped walnuts

Place all ingredients in your food processor and blend until combined and creamy. This will take a few minutes, and you will need to stop and scrape down the sides a few times. You can adjust the consistency by adding more or less milk. Be sure to taste it and adjust vanilla, maca, and salt to your liking. Pull the brownies out of the freezer and layer frosting on top. Top with more chopped walnuts. Leave in freezer until set completely, at least two hours. When it's time to serve them up, give them a few minutes at room temp to soften slightly. Store any leftovers in the freezer. This made about 8 medium sized squares.

Can it be my birthday again?

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