Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Coconut Hemp Fudge Balls

Recently I've been urging my family to reduce the amount of meat they buy and eat, and introducing them to some new plant-based options. My mom, however, has several food allergies including corn, avocado, citrus, and most recently dairy, which makes it hard, and oftentimes frustrating, for her to find things she can eat. But she's been such a trooper and I'm so proud of her for trying new foods and eating more fruits and veggies.

I find it is easier to get people to try new things if they come in the form of sweets, so I made these decadent little treats to introduce her to one of my favorite plant based superfoods, hemp! Hemp is a great source of protein, omegas, fiber, and iron. I picked up this recipe on a handout from Susan at Clarity Wellness attached to a free sample of Manitoba Harvest's Hemp Hearts at a wellness faire in the Bay Area. I've been wanting to try a fudge ball recipe, so this seemed like a good time!

Coconut Hemp Fudge Balls

1 cup nut butter (I used Trader Joe's unsalted almond butter)
1/3 cup coconut oil, melted
1/4 cup raw cacao powder (or cocoa if you don't have cacao)
3/4 cup hemp seeds
1/4 cup agave (or honey, or maple syrup)
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp sea salt
1/4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut

In a food processor, combine nut butter, coconut oil, cacao powder, agave, and vanilla until combined and creamy. Add 1/4 cup of the hemp seeds and mix again for a few seconds until incorporated. Transfer the fudge into a bowl and freeze for about 15 minutes until it is firm enough to roll into balls. Mix the remaining hemp seeds, coconut, and the sea salt in a small bowl. Once the fudge is firm, remove from freezer and with your hands, roll into 1" balls. Roll the balls into the hemp and coconut mix to coat. Store in the freezer, and thaw for about 10 minutes before eating so they are nice and soft!

These are so rich and creamy! This is a super easy vegan and gluten-free recipe you can use in your plant based journey! You can sub any type of nut or seed butter if you are working around allergies, and it would be so easy to incorporate other superfoods like maca or chia seeds to adjust to your personal taste.

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!
